The napkins I bought for the party (you wouldn’t believe how many napkins I looked through before finding ones I liked!):
Trick sleeping with the Halloween dragon that Laura, Becky, Michele and Mike bought me. (Halloween dragon! two of my favorite things combined):
A ghostly peep melting in a mug of hot chocolate:
Laura came as Kaylee, from Firefly. Her costume was great, but you can only see a little bit of it here. I hope she got better pictures with her camera. She wore a military jumpsuit and had “grease” smeared on her face. Inspired!
Kevin playing Rummy at the party after he got off work:
Becky as a slightly scary, kinda sexy witch. Her hat was great, it had a little spider dangling off the pointed tip.
Michele as a pirate. She and Rajib had matching pirate costumes which she sewed, because she is talented like that. She’s holding Trick, who was brought down to socialize with the party guests against his will. He has a mean mom!
And here’s Miss Fiona, who also came to the party. This is her back at home and happy to be away from all the chaos.
More pictures to follow. Meanwhile, I’m already thinking about next year’s invitations. . . .
Yay! I can't wait to see Laura and Michele's pictures so I can see more details including what your Halloween dragon looks like when Trick isn't claiming it.