Look what Mr. MC made for our lucky kitties!
We put it upstairs in the new craft room, which TNT have already decided is their room. After he brought it upstairs, Mr. MC put catnip all over it to entice the dynamic duo to get on it. I didn’t think they would need the encouragement, but he wanted to be sure they had positive feelings about it.
They headed right to it as soon as we let them in the room.
Within a minute or two, they were both stoned.
Then Treat found the secret passage to the third level.
And he just kept going up.
Soon Trick discovered the upper levels, too.
It didn’t take long for them to figure out it would add to their fun during the hour of scampering.
Pretty soon they were all mellow.
Later this afternoon, when I came inside after putting the first coat of paint on my new chairs, I went looking for the kittens and found this:
I suspect we’ll never see them downstairs anymore, except when they want to be fed.
I ADORE it! That is so much better and well-made than any kitty stand that you can get in a store, and they fit so well on it.