Saturday, February 20, 2010


Probably my favorite find of our thrifting weekend was these glasses I got at the Goodwill store.




A close-up:


(Loving my new camera.)

Aren’t they awesome?! They’re tall and have a nice heft to them, which is important to me. I like my dishes to feel as good as they look. I found five of them.

Laura and I looked them up on the internet when we got home and discovered that they come from the Hobgoblin Pub in Japan. I don’t know why someone wanted to get rid of them, but I’m sure glad I was there to find them. Now I want a whole collection of pub glasses for Halloween! Anyone know any other appropriately named pubs I should seek out?


  1. Love these! I check for more for you every time I go. :). Just in case they didn't put them all out yet.

  2. Those are beyone awesome!!!! You lucky bugger! I never seem to have that kind of good luck at GW Fashions lol I;d be honored if you made a visit to my blog as well when you have a moment!

    ~ Brialee ~


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